I'm an entry-level web designer & front-end developer who focuses on crafting clean & user-friendly experiences. With passion for both personal growth and software development, I took a 1000+ hour web development training including practical work.
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About Me
I am a self-taught web developer that is looking for opportunities to grow my skillset in a professional environment. I come from a graphic design background, however i fell in love with web design and the direct impact it has on its users.
My strengthes are in HTML, CSS, javascript (including ES6), SASS & Bootstrap. I am currently in the process of learning React for creating complex single page applications.
My Skillset
Front-End Developer with a proven ability to collaborate effectively with senior developers while spending extra time to be mentored. Enjoy working closely with team members to ensure workloads are effectively redirected to bottlenecks and personally picking up the slack when necessary.
My Projects
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A simple finance calculator web app that makes use of pure javascript code to perform mathematical operations, the app is designed using Bootstrap and is completely responsive and interactive.

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A dynamic movie trailer app that fetches REST API data using axios library, the app is styled using SASS and is fully responsive and interactive.

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A dynamic weather forecast app that uses data from a REST API to dispaly temperature according to the time of the day, the app is fully responsive and the user can easily interact with the data.

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A Single page dynamic fake shop to display custom products, the app is styled using SASS, the site is fully responsive and interactive and can take user input to offer the best content to the user.

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